Page 87 - IGUS Linear
P. 87

drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
        profile      drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                                    drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                         profile
        guides                                                                                                                          C6                             C1  C1   C5                                                guides
                     Double rails, round, hard-anodised and clear-anodised aluminium                                                     C6                              C3       C5
                                                                                                                                                                    C4                  A3
                                                                                                                                                                    C1                       Order key
                                                                                                                                                                                    G2  G1
                                                                                                                                     C6                             C3       C5       G2
                                                                                                                                  b  K1                                            A3  Type              Option
                                                                                                                                    b  K1
                                                                                                                                b  K1                                                                         Option:
                                                                                                                                                            L                                                 CA: Clear anodised
                                                                                                                                                         L                                                    Optional:
                                                                                                                                             B                y  x                                            Econ series with clear
                                                                                                                                              B    !  Coz-      y z  x                   Profile rail, round  anodising (silver)
                                                                                                                                            K2            di      z           y  x                   Rail width [mm]   Clear anodised
                                                                                                                                                     !  Coz-                      z
               WS-10-30                                      WS-10-30-CA                                                       WJ200UM-01-..  K2           di
                                                                                                                                 WJ200UM-01-..                                                 Shaft Ø
                                                                                                                                          B        h2  h1  y  x  da  da  H  !  Coz-  !  Coz-  Q2
               Hard-anodised surfaces                                                                                                     K2     !  Coz- a1 h2  h1  di  z  H   h  h  Q2
               u Page 43                                                                                                     WJ200UM-01-.. WS-..  A1  A1  a  a1        di  di
                                                                                                                                                h2  h1      da  H  !  Coz-  Q1 Q1  Q2
               Clear anodised surface                                                                                                            a1                         h
               u Page 43                                                                                                          WS-..  A1      a         This orientation not possible for
               Curved rail profiles                                                                                                                             WS-10-80/WS-10-120
               u Page 48

        Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         Part No.             Weight H 57)   da     di     L       a     A1     b    h     h1   h2    G1   G2                    a1 62)  Q1  Q2    C4        C5           C6         K1 for       Surface inertia-        Moment of
                                                                                                                                                                                     screw           moment               resistance
                                      ±0.25               max.                                                                                           min.   max.   min.  max.    DIN 912      ly           lz       Wby      Wbz
                               [kg/m]                                                                                                                                                            [mm ]       [mm ]      [mm ]    [mm ]
         WS-10-30              0.85   18    10-0.1   –   4,000   30-0.5  16.5  30    5.5  5.5 58)  9  25    15                     –     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M5 58)   47,500       4,400      2,370     540
         WS-10-30-CA    New    0.85   18     10      –   4,000   30  -0.5  16.5  30  5.5  5.5    9    25    15                     –     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M5 58)   47,500       4,400      2,370     540
         WS-10-40              1.00   18    10-0.1   –   4,000   40-0.5  16.5  40    5.5  5.5 58)  9  30    20                     –     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M6 58)   91,000       5,100      3,600     590
         WS-10-40-CA    New    1.00   18     10      –   4,000   40 -0.5  16.5  40   5.5  5.5    9    30    20                     –     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M6 58)   91,000       5,100      3,600     590
         WS-10-80              1.50   18    10-0.1   –   4,000   74-0.7  16.5  74    5.5  5.5 58)  9  27    17                    40     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M6 58)  388,000       6,100      9,200     650
         WS-10-80-CA    New    1.50   18     10      –   4,000   74 -0.7  16.5  74   5.5  5.5    9    27    17                    40     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M6 58)  388,000       6,100      9,200     650
         WS-10-120             2.02   18    10-0.1   –   4,000  120-0.7  16.5  120   5.5  5.5 58)  9  30    20                    80     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M6 58)  1,303,000     7,100     20,000     720
         WS-10-120-CA New      2.02   18     10      –   4,000    120    16.5  120   5.5  5.5    9    30    20                    80     –    –    120    20    79.5   20    79.5      M6 58)  1,303,000     7,100     20,000     720
         WS-16-60              1.96   27    16-0.1  8.0  4,000   54-0.5  25.0  58    7.5  3.5   14    43    29                     –    32    28   120    20    79.5   20    79.5     M8       367,600      26,100      9,900    1,900
         WS-16-60-CA    New    1.96   27     16     8.0  4,000   54 -0.5  25.0  58   7.5  3.5   14    43    29                     –    32    28   120    20    79.5   20    79.5     M8       367,600      26,100      9,900    1,900
         WS-16-120      New    3.14   27    16-0.1  8.0  4,000  116-0.4  25.0  120   7.5  3.5   14    34    20                    80    33    28   120    20    79.5   20    79.5     M8      2,114,000     33,200     31,100    2,150
         WS-20-80              3.30   36    20-0.1  10.2 4,000   74-0.7  30.0  82    9.5  4.5   20    38    21                    40    37    37   120    20    79.5   20    79.5     M8      1,080,000     78,700     21,000    4,000
         WS-20-80-CA    New    3.30   36     20    10.2 4,000    74 -0.7  30.0  82   9.5  4.5   20    38    21                    40    37    37   120    20    79.5   20    79.5     M8      1,080,000     78,700     21,000    4,000
         WS-25-120              5.8   45   25-0.15 14.0 4,000   120-0.7  37.5  131  11.5  5.5   25   46.5 25.5                    80   45.5   46   150    25    99.5   25    99.5     M10     4,867,000     215,000    62,400    8,500

        57)  Height dimension minus the bearing clearance tolerance
        58)  Plain holes
        62)  WS-10-40/-16-60 a single row of mounting holes down the centreline; WS-10-80/-10-120/-20-80/-25-120 two
        parallel rows of mounting holes
        Standard hole pattern: C5 = C6, please order with drawing for C5 ≠ C6.
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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