Page 465 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 465

CFCLEAN7                                                                                        New                                                                                                                       CFCLEAN7
                     Motor elements | chainflex  CFCLEAN7

                           20 million                    Min. 70mm                     3m                                        Properties and approvals  Free from silicone which can affect paint adhesion (following PV 3.10.7 – status
                           Double strokes guaranteed     bend radius e-skin  flat      travel distance e-skin  flat
                                                                                                                                       UL verified        Certificate No. B129699: „igus 36-month chainflex cable guarantee and service
                     z  For heaviest duty applications in e-skin  flat                      Now with                                                      life calculator based on 2 billion test cycles per year“
                     z  PTFE foil wrap                                                                                                 UL AWM             See data sheet for details u
                     z  Shielded                                                          UL approval
                     z  Highly abrasion-resistant                                       in combination                                 REACH              In accordance with regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH)
                     z  PVC-free                                                        with e-skin  flat
                                                                                                                                       Lead-free          Following 2011/65/EC (RoHS-II/RoHS-III)

                                                                                                                                       Cleanroom          Air  Purity  Class  1,  material/stranded  structure  tested  by  IPA  according  to
                                                                                                                                                          ISO 14644-14, test report IG 2107-1242
                     Dynamic information                                                                                               CE                 Following 2014/35/EU
                           Bend radius        e-skin  flat linear   minimum 70mm
                                                                (further radii in preparation, please see data sheet)                  UKCA               In accordance with the valid regulations of the United Kingdom (as at 08/2021)
                                              fixed             minimum 3 x d
                           Temperature        e-skin  linear    -10°C up to +80°C
                                              fixed             -25°C up to +90°C (following DIN EN 50305)                       Typical application areas
                           v max.             unsupported       2m/s                                                             z  For heaviest duty applications and especially small radii in cleanroom with e-skin  flat
                                                                                                                                 z  Especially for short, very fast applications with small radii and restricted installation space
                           a max.             40m/s²                                                                             z  Indoor applications with e-skin  flat
                                                                                                                                 z  Semi-conductor/OLED manufacturing, medical cleanroom
                           Travel distance    Short, very fast applications with small radii and restricted installation space in
                                              an e-skin  flat
                     Cable structure                                                                                                            chainflex  CFCLEAN are not cables in the sense of the normal standards for cables. Due
                           Conductor          Very finely stranded special conductors with especially soft and bending                          to the absence of the outer jacket in CFCLEAN, which provides mechanical protection for
                                              resistant design, made of bare copper wires.                                                      cables, the use of chainflex  CFCLEAN is only permitted inside e-skin  flat.
                           Core insulation    Mechanically high-quality FEP mixture.

                           Core structure     Cores wound in a layer with especially short pitch length.

                           Core identification  Power cores: White cores with black numbers 1-3, one green-yellow core.
                                              1 Control pair: white, black                                                       Part No.                  Number of cores and conductor   Outer diameter   Copper   Weight
                           Overall shield     Extremely bending-resistant braiding made of tinned copper wires.                                                nominal cross section         (d) max.      index
                                              Coverage linear approx. 70%, optical approx. 90%                                                                       [mm²]                    [mm]         [kg/km]  [kg/km]
                           Outer film         Low-adhesion, extremely abrasion-resistant and highly flexible PTFE wrap,          CFCLEAN7.          (4G1.5+(2x0.34)C)C              9.5          126      176
                                              adapted to suit the requirements in e-skin  flat.                                  CFCLEAN7.15.04                     (4G1.5)C                   8.0           94      131
                                              Colour: White                                                                      CFCLEAN7.PE.25.01                  (1G2.5)C                   4.5           41       73
                     Electrical information                                                                                      Note: The given outer diameters are maximum values and may tend toward lower tolerance limits.
                                                                                                                                 G = with green-yellow earth core  x = without earth core
                           Nominal voltage    600/1,000V
                                              600V (following UL)
                           Testing voltage    3,000V

                   Example image

                                                                                                                    ASEAN2023  ASEAN2023

                     36-month guarantee ... more than 1,350 cable types from stock ... no cutting charges                                                        UL-verified chainflex  guarantee ...  459
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