Page 652 - IGUS Bearing
P. 652

iglidur  clip bearings | Technical data                                                                                  iglidur  clip bearings | Technical data                                                          iglidur
        General properties                                    Permissible surface speeds                                         Assembly
        The clip bearings have an angled slot which allows the    Clip bearings are extremely wear-resistant in slow rotating,   For installation, the plain bearings are pressed together on
        bearings to be fitted from one side. After fitting, the bearing   oscillating, and linear movements. The maximum surface   the side with the large flange. The angled slot makes the
        expands and forms a lining for the hole in the metal plate. The   speeds for the different movements are the same as for the   bearing spiral shaped so that it can be placed easily into the
        shaft prevents the clip bearing from falling out the housing.   material iglidur  M250 (table 01).                       metal plate. The slot also compensates for expansions of
        Even during linear movement, the bearing cannot slide out.   With lubrication the permissible surface speeds can be      the circumference. In this way, a tight clearance is possible
        iglidur  clip bearings are made from wear-resistant material   increased.                                                with the clip bearings. The bearing clearance is dimensioned
        iglidur  M250.                                                                                                           in such a way that in a housing hole with a nominal diameter,
        iglidur  M250 is a plain bearing material with strong wear   u Surface speed, page 48                                    a shaft made with the same nominal diameter turns easily.
        resistance at average loads. The plain bearings are self-                                                                The clip bearings should be fitted into a housing with a "H"
        lubricating and can be used dry. If required the plain    m/s         Rotating   Oscillating   linear                    class tolerance, up to H13. The clip bearing can also rotate
        bearings can also be lubricated. The material iglidur  M250   Long-term  0.8         0.6        2.5                      within the housing hole.
        is resistant to all common lubricants.                 Short-term         2          1.4         5

                                                              Table 01: Maximum surface speeds
        Mechanical properties                                                                                                          Fitting:
        The permissible static surface pressure of iglidur  M250 at   Temperatures
        room temperature is 20MPa. Due to the possibility of high   For operating temperatures up to +80°C iglidur  clip bearings
        tolerances in the housing hole, the clip bearing has a high   display high wear resistance. Even in the cold, the plain
        compressive strength even for punched holes.          bearings remain elastic and abrasion-resistant.
        For bearing surfaces that are very small, the vibration
        dampening properties and the resistance to edge pressure   u Application temperatures, page 53
        are especially important.

        u iglidur  M250, Page 111                              iglidur  M250          Application temperature
                                                               Minimum                        -40°C
                                                               Max. long-term                 +80°C
                                                               Maximum, short-term           +170°C
                                                              Table 02: temperature limits                                       Simple axial press in              Axial safety through the second     Easy installation via clip on
             20                                                                                                                                                     flange                              mechanism

          Load [MPa]  5

                0      20     40      60     80     100
                Temperature [°C]
        Diagram 01: Maximum recommended surface pressure                                                                               Please contact us if you need this special solution for your application. We will help you with your design, drawing
        as a function of temperature (20MPa at +20°C)                                                                                  on the experience that we have with a large number of custom bearing solutions.

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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