Page 158 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  N                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  N
      low-profile    drylin  N low-profile linear guides | Product range                                                         drylin  N low-profile linear guides | Product range New                                        low-profile
         linear                                                                                                                                                                                                                   linear
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Telescopic guide for heavy loads and rigidity                                                               Telescopic rails with prism carriages
                                                                    Order key partial extension                                                  ● 	Consistent telescopic rail due to        Order key
                                                                                                                                                   spring pre-load mechanism
                                                               Type    Size         Option                                                                                             Type       Size
                                                                                                                                                 ● 	Constant drive forces with various
                                                                                                                                                 ● 	Spring pre-load
                                                                                                                                                 ● 	Extension lengths in 50mm

                                                                drylin ®  N  Telescopic system  Rail width  Length [mm]  Partial extension   [mm]  Anti-reflect                          drylin ®  N  Telescopic system  Pre-loaded  Rail width

         Vollauszug NT-60-"L"
           Vollauszug NT-60-"L"
        NT-60-"L" - Total extension                           Option: For partial extension „-200“, for overextension „-320“
           Vollauszug NT-60-"L"
                     L                        L               Partial extension: (example: compressed length
         C5    C4    L          C6          L     C4     C5   300mm, extended length 500mm)
           C5   C4   L         C6           L   C4    C5                                                                           C5      C4                         C6
           C5   C4             C6               C4    C5
                                                              AR: Anti-reflect, black
                                 C6 C6                            200
          Überauszug NT-60-"L"-"L+max. 20"
        Überauszug NT-60-"L"-"L+max. 20"
        NT-60-„L“-„L+max. 20“ - Overextension
          Überauszug NT-60-"L"-"L+max. 20"
                    L                       L
                   L L                      L  L                  100
                                  20 MAX                       Load capacity [N]  50                                                                 L
                                  20 MAX X                          0
                                   20 MA
           Teilauszug NT-60-"L"-"B"
        NT-60-"L"-"B" - Partial extension                             100  200  300  400  500  600  700  800  900  1.000                  K1                             d2
                                                                      Basic length (mm)
           Teilauszug NT-60-"L"-"B"
         Teilauszug NT-60-"L"-"B"
                    B L                  L                              NT-35 limit for manual actuation
                    B L                  L
                   B                      L                             NT-35 structural load limit
                                                                        NT-60 limit for manual actuation
                                                                        NT-60 structural load limit                                                  L                                        L
                  b                 Katalogbild  von NT- 35   drylin  N telescope systems load capacity of a drawer
                  b                 Katalogb    ild  von NT- 35

              b  b     H             Fmax = 100 N             with two systems installed upright
                                     Katalogbild  von NT- 35
                                     Fmax = 100 N

                       H       Fmax.: 100N · (200mm/L)
                                      Fmax = 100 N                140
                     M6H  H
                    M6                                                                                                           Dimensions [mm]
                                                               Load capacity [N]  35                                                                           Ø                                    min.      max.      min.     max.
                    M6                                             70                                                            Part No.            d2       K1        B         H        C4          C5 = C6                L
               Tip:                                                                                                              NTV-27    New       9        4.5       27       23.7      60        25       49.5      150      500
               Fmax calculated using this formula allows an easy    0  100  200  300  400  500  600  700  800  900  1.000
               manual use. Higher loads can be taken up by the        Basic length (mm)
               system, but need a higher drive force.                   NT-35 Fsy    NT-35 Fsz   NT-60 Fsy   NT-60 Fsz
                                                              drylin  N telescope static load capacity
                                                              in different load directions                                             Order example:  ®
        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                                NTV-27-300:  drylin  N telescopic rail with locking mechanism, 27mm width,
                                                                                                                                                   retracted length 300mm
         Part No.                 b          H           C4             C5 = C6                    L
                                                                    min.        max.        min.        max.                           drylin  stop motion full product range online
         NT-60-… mm              60          24         150          25         99.5        200        1,000                           u
         NT-60-AR      New       60          24         150          25         99.5        200        1,000       ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        156 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              157
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