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drylin  R shaft guides | Design standards                                                                                drylin  R shaft guides | Installation instructions

        Floating bearings for linear plain bearings           Eccentric forces                                                   drylin  R shaft guides are designed for completely lubrication-free operation. The dimensions
        drylin  03 series linear plain bearings off er great advantages   To ensure successful use of maintenance-free drylin  linear   of the respective linear adapter and housing meet the standard for recirculating ball bearings.
        in applications with parallel shafts. With their geometry, they   bearings, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:   During assembly, please note the following installation instructions:
        are able to compensate for alignment and parallelism errors   if the distance between the driving force point and the fixed   Design tips for drylin  linear plain bearings:  Recommended tolerance for the shaft: h6-h10
        and should be used on the shaft located furthest from the   bearings is more than twice the bearing spacing (2:1 rule),   The mentioned values for "Fmax." relate to the performance of   Surface roughness [Ra]: 0.15-0.6
        drive mechanism. The design provides a spherical area   a static friction value of 0.25 can theoretically result in      the iglidur  liners made from high-performance plastics and   Guide shafts round/supported u Shafts page 263
        on the outside diameter of the aluminium adapter for self-  jamming on the guides.                                       cannot be used as the only selection tool for the calculation of
        alignment. Reductions in load capacity are prevented, since   This principle applies regardless of the value of the load   an application. The maximum carrying capacity of the entire   Recommended housing hole H7
        the shaft always lies on the total projected surface. Due   or drive force. The friction product is always related to the   bearing system depends on the geometry, housing shape, the   Linear plain bearings RJUM-01/03, TJUM-01/03, RJM,
        to the even load distribution over the entire bearing, edge   fixed bearings. The greater the distance between the drive   housing material, the connection including the screws used and   RJMP, RJ260(U)M02, press-fit bearings WLM, WLFM
        pressure is not possible with the self-aligning drylin  linear   and the guide bearing, the higher the wear and required   requires a separate inspection. For a detailed analysis, please
        bearings. In order to compensate parallelism errors between   drive force.                                               use our online configurator at
        two shafts, the outer diameter is designed to be smaller than   Failure to observe the 2:1 rule during a use of linear plain   u
        the housing hole diameter by 0.2 to 0.3mm (depending on   bearings can result in uneven motion or even system
        the size). With the use of mounted O-rings, these bearings   blockage. Such situations can often be remedied with
        have an elastic bearing seat. The clearance between the   relatively simple modifications. If you have any questions on
        bearing and housing allows for the maximum compensation   design and/or assembly, please make use of our technical
        of possible shaft miss-alignment.                     support.
        The drylin  R self-aligning bearings are supplied hard-
        anodised. These surfaces guarantee the highest wear
        resistance if the aluminium bearing moves in the housing
        during compensation adjustments. Another option are the       Floating  Fixed bearing 2 x                                Liners:                   Press-fit bearings:        Linear plain bearings:     Solid plastic bearings:
        pillow blocks in the OJUM-06 LL and RJUM-06 LL design         bearing                                                    _UM-01, _UMO-01, _UM-11,   WLM, WLFM                 RJUM-01, RJUM-11, RJUM-    RJM, RJI-01
        series. The mounting of the bearing allows a parallelism                                                                 _UMO-11, _UM-02           ●	Press-fit installation into the   ES, TJUM-01, RJUM-03,   ● Fastening with circlips
                                                                                                                                 ●	Interlocking with the housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 according to DIN 471 or 472
                                                                                                                                                                                      TJUM-03, RJUI-01, RJUI-03,
                                                                                                                                                           H7 housing hole u Assembly
        adjustment between the shafts by ±3mm. The particular                                                                    bore ●	Locating spigot is   instructions, www.igus-asean.  TJUI-01, TJUI-03     (not included) ● The E9 inner
                                                                                                                                                                                      ●	Secured by DIN 471 or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tolerance applies only after the
                                                                                                                                 supported by a snap ring
        suspension of the supporting housing on an axis running                                                                  groove ●	Anti-rotation feature   com/WLM             472 circlips, metric types (not   press-fit
        in the z-direction enables an angular error compensation                                                                 through engagement of the pin                        included)
                                                                                                                                 in hole Ø z
        of up to 3.5°.                                                                     1x

                                                              Figure 03: The 2:1 rule
                                                                                                                                 Solid plastic bearings:    Linear plain bearings:    Compact bearings:          Linear plain bearings:
                                                                                                                                 RJMP                      RJUM-02                    RJ260 (UM-02)              OJUM-01, OJUM-03, OJUI-01,
                                                                                                                                 ● Easy assembly by soft press-  ● Secured by press-fit in steel   ● Locating spigot and press-fit   OJUI-03
                                                                                                                                 fit ● Secured by DIN 471 or 472   housing hole H7 or aluminium   into housing bore H7    ● Adapter secured with set
                                                                                                                                 circlips (not included)   housing hole K7            ● Alternatively, the adapter can   screws (not included)
                                                                                                                                                           ● Alternatively, the adapter    be glued with commercially
                                                                                                                                                           can be glued with commercially   available 2-component adhesive
                                                                                                                                                           available 2-component adhesive   into a housing
                                                                                                                                                           into a housing

                                                              RJUM-06-LL          OJUM-06-LL
                                                              u Page 236        u Page 237

                                                              RJUM-03/OJUM-03 series                       ±0.5°
        Diagram 02: By defined installation clearance and     RJUM-06-LL/OJUM-06-LL series                 ±3.5°
        externally mounted O-rings, the self-aligning drylin  R   Table 04: Compensation of misalignment errors                  Quad blocks: RQA, RGA     Linear housings:           Quad blocks: OQA, OGA,     Pillow blocks: RJUM/E/T-05,
        bearings of the type series 03 can compensate                                                                            Tandem design: RTA        RGAS                       Linear housings: OGAS,     RJUM-06/-LL, OJUM/E-06/-LL,
        parallelism errors. The spherical drylin  adapter can   RJUM-03/OJUM-03 series                  ±0.1mm                   ● The bearing in the housing    ● The bearing in the housing is    Tandem design: OTA  Flange housings: FJUM/T-01/02;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quad blocks: RGA, OGA;
                                                                                                                                                                                      ● The bearings is secured by
                                                                                                                                                           secured by DIN 471 circlips
                                                                                                                                 is secured by DIN 472 circlips
        compensate for parallelism errors. A hard-anodisation   RJUM-06-LL/OJUM-06-LL series            ±3.0mm                                                                        screws                     Tandem designs: RTA, OTA;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Linear bearings: RGAS, OGAS
        protects the aluminium adapter from wear.             Table 05: Compensation of parallelism errors         ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023                                                                  ● Mounting screws of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 housing DIN 912-8.8 ● Circlips
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 according to DIN 7980
        186 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              187
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