Page 187 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  R shaft guides | Technical data                                                                                  drylin  R shaft guides | Technical data

        drylin  R linear plain bearings                       Dirt, dust, fibres                                                 The split bearings are easily pulled off the housing and    Material properties:
        The drylin  standard  round                           An important feature of all the available linear bearings is their   opened. The slotted liner can be simply mounted on the    iglidur  J u
        bearings consist of an                                tolerance of dirt. For most systems the application of wipers      shaft. With this product range of split drylin  bearings,   iglidur  J200 u
        interchangeable iglidur   J                           or seals is recommended for even low dirt accumulation.            installation times can be reduced to a minimum.             iglidur  X u
        liner that is manufactured to                         No other system features such a high safety with dust,                                                                         iglidur  E7 u
        be a mechanical fit into an                           lint and coarse dirt as drylin . The patented design of the        Series L1 - low-clearance press-fit bearings                iglidur  A160 u
        anodised aluminium adapter.                           bearing surface using individual slide pads connected by           The series L1 plain bearings are composed of the            iglidur  A180 u
        The locating spigot of the liner                      thin film sections, provides performance benefits for dirty        iglidur  L100 bearing material, an extremely wear-resistant   iglidur  L100 u Seite 775
        is carried out by a snap ring                         environments. Dirt, even when it becomes wet on the shaft,         plastic compound. They are sub-divided into a press-fit
        groove. drylin  R linear plain bearings, made from solid plastic,   is wiped away by the individual glide pads and is moved   area and a gliding range. The gliding range is composed of
        are dimensionally equivalent to standard ball bearings. They   into the open areas. The running sections of the drylin    individual crossbars which are linked to each other by thin
        are made entirely out of wear-resistant iglidur  J material and   bearing then slide on the shaft that has been cleared of all   film bridges. These film bridges compensate the elongation
        can off er technical advantages in addition to the clear price   contaminants.                                           of the bearing through heating or moisture. This separation
        advantage. Thus, applications in which machine parts are                                                                 enables the almost clearance-free design of the bearings,
        primarily stainless steel, e.g. food and filling equipment, are   Split linear bearings                                  as there is no clamping of the shaft. The cylinder-shaped
        well suited for the use of solid plastic bearings. An additional   Applications that are on the edge of technical feasibility   press-fit area is also visually very distinct from the gliding
        weight-saving is also easily obtained.                or in extremely harsh environments often require frequent          range. The function of this area, which shows a distinct
        Both versions are designed for the installation in housing   replacement of the bearings. In many cases, drylin  can give   clearance compared to the shaft, is to fix the bushing firmly
        holes with the tolerance H7. The mounting is done like in ball   a multiple increase in the service life. However, in extreme   in the housing by means of a press fit.
        bearings with circlips according to DIN 471/472.      applications, replacement of the bearings is necessary,
        The narrow design of the 02 series linear plain bearings,   even with drylin . drylin  linear plain bearings can provide   Compressive strength                               Coefficient of friction
        is clipped into the H7 housing hole. Standard commercial   considerable cost reductions in such cases as only the        iglidur  plain bearings are homogeneously filled with solid   Plain bearings of the L1 series are designed for dry operation
        2-component adhesives can be used for this purpose.   polymer bearing liner has to be replaced. This often means         lubricants. In this way, lubricants cannot be removed, even   against steel. The best results are attained with surface
                                                              a reduction of more than 90% in replacement part costs. In         at high loads. The iglidur  L100 material allows an average   finishes from 0.3 to 0.8Ra. The coefficient of sliding friction
                                                              addition the dismantling of the shafts is avoided.                 static surface pressure of 70MPa. However, only half of the   reduces with increasing load. Typical coefficient of friction
                                                                                                                                 load-bearing surface can carry loads and this is taken into   in dry operation are 0.2 to 0.3. But the value can be higher
                                                                                                                                 account in the calculation.                          with less suitable shafts.

                                                                                                                                 Surface speeds                                       Operating temperatures
                                                                                                                                 The following table shows possible surface speeds of   Temperatures affect the compressive strength, the
                                                                                                                                 L1 bearings.                                         wear and the securing of the bearing in the housing.
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Extremely wear-resistant                          A firm fit could be determined in all the tests up to a
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Low coefficient of friction                       temperature of +70°C.  At  higher temperatures, an
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Vibration-dampening                               additional securing of the bearing is recommended.
                                                                                                                                 ● 	High static compressive strength                  With effective securing, L1 plain bearings could also be
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Good chemical resistance                          used at temperatures over +130°C.
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Highly resistant to dirt
                                                                                                                                 ● 	Also suitable for soft and rough shafts
                                                                       The endurance     The       Blue Sky Thinking
                             The All-rounder -  The specialist -  The extreme -  runner -  FDA-compliant - FDA/EU-compliant -
                                iglidur  J  iglidur  J200   iglidur  X
                                                                         iglidur  E7  iglidur  A180  iglidur  A160
                                                                                                                                 iglidur  L100     Rotating Oscillating   linear       iglidur  L100          Application temperatures
         Application temperature  -50 up to +90°C  -50 up to +90°C -100°C up to +250°C -50°C up to +70°C  -50 up to +90°C  -50 up to +90°C
                                                                                                                                 Continuous [m/s]     1.5       1.5         3          Minimum                         -30°C
         Best coefficient of friction   Steel shaft  Aluminium,    Hard-chromed    Steel/stainless    Stainless    Hardened stainless
         with                               hard-anodised    steel       steel shaft   steel shaft   steel shafts                Short-term [m/s]     3          3         10          Max. long-term                 +100°C
         Volume resistance     > 10  Ωcm     > 10  Ωcm     < 10  Ωcm     > 10 Ωcm      > 10 Ωcm      > 10 Ωcm                                                                          Maximum, short-term            +190 °C
                                                                                                                                 Table 02: Maximum surface speed for iglidur  L100
         Moisture absorption   1.3% weight   0.7% weight   0.5% weight   < 0.1wt.-%   0.2% weight    < 0.1wt.-%
                                                                                                                                                                                      Table 03: Temperature limits for iglidur  L100
         Maximum service life    Hard-anodised    Aluminium,    Hardened    Steel/stainless    Stainless    Hardened stainless
         with                   aluminium   hard-anodised  stainless steel  steel shaft  steel shaft  steel shafts
         Potential counter   All shaft materials  Aluminium,    Hardened    Steel/stainless    All shaft materials  Stainless steel
         partner                            hard-anodised  stainless steel  steel shaft
         Permissible stat.       35MPa         23MPa        150MPa        18MPa         28MPa         15MPa
         surface pressure
         Part No.                JUM-...     J200UM-...     XUM-...       E7UM-...     A180UM-...    A160UM-...    ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
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