Page 225 - IGUS Linear
P. 225

drylin  R                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  R
         shaft       drylin  R linear plain bearings | Product range                                                             drylin  R linear plain bearings | Product range                                                   shaft
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Closed, anodised aluminium adapters, short design                                                           Closed, anodised aluminium adapters, short design
                                                                                                                                 with iglidur  E7 liner
                                                                                   Order key                                                                                                               Order key

                                                                             Type                Size                                                                                                Type                Size

                                 B   B                   d1  d1                                                                                              B                       d1
                                                         d2  d2                                                                                                                      d2
                                                                               Closed  iglidur ®  J  Liner  Metric  Compact  Inner Ø d1                                                                Closed  iglidur ®  E7  Liner  Metric  Compact  Inner Ø d1

        ● 	Also available as a reduced clearance version            78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260                                                                       78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260
           RJUM-12 (Ø 10-50mm)                                      81)   Ø < 10mm use press-fitted sleeve bearings                                                                         82)  Design tips u Page 186
                                                                    82)  Design tips u Page 186                                                                                             Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187
                                                                    Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         d1                         d2                            B               Part No.                                       d1                         d2                             B               Part No.
                                     k7                           h10                                                                                        k7                           h10
         6                          12                            22              RJZM-02-06  81)                                10                         17                            26               RE7UM-02-10
         8                          15                            24              RJZM-02-08  81)                                12                         19                            28               RE7UM-02-12
         10                         17                            26              RJUM-02-10                                     16                         24                            30               RE7UM-02-16
         12                         19                            28              RJUM-02-12                                     20                         28                            30               RE7UM-02-20
         16                         24                            30              RJUM-02-16                                     25                         35                            40               RE7UM-02-25
         20                         28                            30              RJUM-02-20                                     30                         40                            50               RE7UM-02-30
         25                         35                            40              RJUM-02-25                                     40                         52                            60               RE7UM-02-40
         30                         40                            50              RJUM-02-30                                     50                         62                            70               RE7UM-02-50
         40                         52                            60              RJUM-02-40
         50                         62                            70              RJUM-02-50

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.        Housing hole   d1 tolerance 78)  Fmax. dynamic 82)   Fmax. static 82)     Weight                        Part No.        Housing hole   d1 tolerance  78)  Fmax. dynamic  82)  Fmax. static  82)   Weight
                              Ø H7                            p = 5MPa          p = 35MPa                                                             Ø H7                           p = 2.5MPa          p = 18MPa
                             [mm]            [mm]               [N]                [N]                [g]                                            [mm]            [mm]               [N]                [N]                [g]
         RJZM-02-06 81)       12        +0.032 +0.070           600               4,200               4                          RE7UM-02-10          17         +0.030 +0.088          325               2,340               8
         RJZM-02-08 81)       15        +0.032 +0.070           650               4,550               6                          RE7UM-02-12          19         +0.030 +0.088          420               3,020               10
         RJUM-02-10           17        +0.030 +0.088           650               4,550               8                          RE7UM-02-16          24         +0.030 +0.088          600               4,320               17
         RJUM-02-12           19        +0.030 +0.088           840               5,880              10                          RE7UM-02-20          28         +0.030 +0.091          750               5,400               18
         RJUM-02-16           24        +0.030 +0.088          1,200              8,400              17                          RE7UM-02-25          35         +0.030 +0.091         1,250              9,000               42
         RJUM-02-20           28        +0.030 +0.091          1,500             10,500              18                          RE7UM-02-30          40         +0.040 +0.110         1.875             13,500               56
         RJUM-02-25           35        +0.030 +0.091          2,500             17,500              42                          RE7UM-02-40          52         +0.040 +0.115         3,000             21,600              113
         RJUM-02-30           40        +0.040 +0.110          3,750             26,250              56                          RE7UM-02-50          62         +0.050 +0.180         4,375             31,500              147
         RJUM-02-40           52        +0.040 +0.115          6,000             42,000              113
         RJUM-02-50           62        +0.050 +0.130          8,750             61,250              147

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        222 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              223
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