Page 258 - IGUS Linear
P. 258

drylin  R                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  R
         shaft       drylin  R quad blocks | Product range                                                                       drylin  R quad blocks | Product range                                                             shaft
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Closed, long design                                                                                         Open, long design
                                                                                   Order key                                                                                                               Order key

                                                                             Type       Option  Size                                                                                                 Type       Option  Size

                                                                               Linear housing with   RJUM bearings  Aluminium housing  Standard with                                                   Linear housing with   OJUM bearings  Aluminium housing  Standard with

        ● 	Housing: Aluminium, equipped with                                                RJUM-01  Inner Ø                     ● 	Housing: Aluminium, equipped with                                               OJUM-01  Inner Ø
           drylin  R linear plain bearings                                  Options:                                               drylin  R linear plain bearings                                   Options:
                                         d2                                                                                                 W                     d2
                                         d2                                 01: Standard with RJUM-01                                      60°                                                       01: Standard with OJUM-01
                                                                            03: with RJUM-03                                                W                     d2                                 03: with OJUM-03
                   d D                                                                                                                     d D
                                                     H                      04: with RJM-01                                                                                   H
                   d D             H4                                                                                                      d D
                               H1                    H                                                                                                 H1   H4  H2
                            H3     H4  H2                                                                                                            H3                       H
                M           H3  H1   H2      S1                                    Please note:                                          M           H3  H1  H4  H2  S1                                    Please note:
                                         d1                                        Installation instructions                                                      d1                                       Installation instructions
                M                            S1                                                                                          M                        S1
                                         d1                                        u Page 187                                                                     d1                                       u Page 187

         L                                                                                                                        L  E2
         L   E2                                                                                                                   L  E2

                   E1                                                                                                                       E1
                    B                                                                                                                       B
                   E1                                                                                                                       E1
                    B                                                                                                                       B

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]
         d    D   H   H1 H2 H3 H4 S1        B    L   M   E1 E2 d1 d2 Part No.         Self-        Solid plastic                 d     D    H   H1   H2   H3  H4   S1    B   L    M   E1   E2   d1   d2   W   Part No.      Self-
              H6     +0.01                      ±0.3 ±0.02 ±0.15 ±0.15    Standard    aligning     bearings                            H6      +0.01                        ±0.3 ±0.02 ±0.15 ±0.15       +0.6 Standard      aligning
                      -0.02                                               with        with         with                                        -0.02                                                          with          with
                                                                          RJUM-01     RJUM-03      RJM-01                                                                                                     OJUM-01       OJUM-03
         8    16  28  13   10   8  14 M4 35     32 17.5 25   20 3.2    6  RGA-01-08         –      RGA-04-08                     12    22  28   18   11   8    25  M5   43   39 21.5 32    23   4.2  8    14  OGA-01-12     OGA-03-12
         12   22  35  18   11  10  25 M5 43     39 21.5 32   23 4.2    6  RGA-01-12 RGA-03-12      RGA-04-12                     16    26  35   22   13   12   30  M6   53   43 26.5 40    26   5.2  10   17  OGA-01-16     OGA-03-16
         16   26  42  22   13  12  30 M6 53     43 26.5 40   26 5.2 10    RGA-01-16 RGA-03-16      RGA-04-16                     20    32  42   25   18   13   34  M8   60   54 30.0 45    32   6.8  11   17  OGA-01-20     OGA-03-20
         20   32  50  25   18  13  34 M8 60     54 30.0 45   32 6.8 11    RGA-01-20 RGA-03-20      RGA-04-20                     25    40  51   30   22   15   40 M10 78     67 39.0 60    40   8.6  15   21  OGA-01-25     OGA-03-25
         25   40  60  30   22  15  40 M10 78    67 39.0 60   40 8.6 15    RGA-01-25 RGA-03-25      RGA-04-25                     30    47  60   35   22   16   48 M10 87     79 43.5 68    45   8.6  15   21  OGA-01-30     OGA-03-30
         30   47  70  35   22  16  48 M10 87    79 43.5 68   45 8.6 15    RGA-01-30 RGA-03-30      RGA-04-30                     40    62  77   45   26   20   60 M12 108    91 54.0 86    58 10.3 18     27  OGA-01-40     OGA-03-40
         40   62  90  45   26  20  60 M12 108 91 54.0 86     58 10.3 18   RGA-01-40 RGA-03-40      RGA-04-40

        Are equipped with:                                   Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):                Are equipped with:                              Available with drylin  liners (optional: J200/A180):
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        RJUM-01        RJUM-03       RJM-01                  J           E7         X                                            OJUM-01       OJUM-03                           J          E7          X

        256 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              257
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