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dryspin  technology | Lead screw nuts | Technical data                                                                   dryspin  technology | Lead screw nuts | Technical data                                         technology
                                                                                                                                 Lead screw nuts - "ACME" USA standard, iglidur  J (standard)
                For high speeds:                                      The specialist on hard anodised
                iglidur  E7                                           aluminium:
                                                                      iglidur  J200                                              Technical data - iglidur  J
         Thread          Efficiency  Coefficient of friction          Efficiency          Coefficient of friction                Thread                       Efficiency               Idling torque 118)       Coefficient of friction
                            η                 µ                           η                        µ                                                              η                         [Nm]                         µ
         Ds4x2.4          37 - 47          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             1/4-16                        24 - 44                     0.0029                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds5x5            47 - 58          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             3/8-20                        14 - 30                     0.0034                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds5x10           55 - 66          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             3/8-12                        22 - 41                     0.0041                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds6.35x2.54      29 - 38          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             3/8-10                        25 - 46                     0.0044                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds6.35x5.08      42 - 53          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             1/2-10                        20 - 39                     0.0052                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds6.35x6.35      47 - 58          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             5/8-8                         20 - 39                     0.0065                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds6.35x12.7      55 - 66          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             3/4-6                         22 - 41                     0.0082                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds6.35x25.4      50 - 64          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             3/4-10                        14 - 30                     0.0068                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds8x10           55 - 61          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             1-5                           20 - 39                     0.0105                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds8x15           50 - 66          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             1-10                          11 - 24                     0.0084                     0.1 - 0.25
         Ds8x24           54 - 67          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –                             118)  Theoretical idling torque assuming the best coefficient of friction at a 5N load
         Ds8x40           44 - 61          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds10x3           23 - 32          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds10x12          55 - 61          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds10x25          55 - 67          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds10x50          44 - 61          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds12x5           29 - 39          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds12.7x12.7      47 - 58          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds12x15          55 - 61          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds12x25          55 - 67          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds14x4           23 - 31          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds14x25          60 - 72          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds14x30          61 - 74          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds14x40.6        61 - 75          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds14x70          44 - 61          0.2 - 0.3                      –                        –
         Ds16x5             –                 –                        28 - 49                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds16x10            –                 –                        42 - 65                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds16x35            –                 –                        61 - 81                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds18x4             –                 –                        22 - 41                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds18x24            –                 –                        56 - 77                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds18x40            –                 –                        61 - 81                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds18x80            –                 –                        55 - 80                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds18x100           –                 –                        49 - 78                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x5             –                 –                        24 - 44                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x10            –                 –                        37 - 60                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x20            –                 –                        52 - 74                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x50            –                 –                        61 - 82                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x60            –                 –                        60 - 82                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x80            –                 –                        57 - 81                 0.1 - 0.25
         Ds20x90            –                 –                        55 - 80                 0.1 - 0.25

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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