Page 53 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  linear technology | Design rules                                                                                 drylin  linear technology | Cleanroom and ESD compatibility
                                                                                                                                 Cleanroom suitability and ESD
        Floating bearings for guide systems                   Eccentric forces
        In the case of a system with two parallel guides, one side   To ensure successful use of maintenance-free drylin  linear
        needs to be fitted with floating bearings. A suitable solution   bearings, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:   compatibility of drylin                             ®
        comprising fixed and floating bearings is available for every   if the distance between the driving force point and the fixed
        installation position, whether horizontal, vertical or lateral.   bearings is more than twice the bearing spacing (2:1 rule),
        This type of assembly prevents jamming and blockage   a static friction value of 0.25 can theoretically result in        drylin  linear guides from igus  ®
        on the guides resulting from discrepancies in parallelism.   jamming on the guides.
        Floating bearings are created through a controlled extension   This principle applies regardless of the value of the load   All drylin  guides are clearly qualified for cleanroom applications.   The measurement results of the ESD compatibility according
        of the clearance in the direction of the expected parallelism   or drive force. The friction product is always related to the   The differentiation between the various cleanroom classes   to SEMI E78-0998 show that the linear guide system
        error.                                                fixed bearings. The greater the distance between the drive         is only dependent on load and speed                                     drylin  NK-02-40-02 can be classified
        During installation, take care that the floating bearing has   and the guide bearing, the higher the wear and required   of the application. The combination                                     as "level 1" (highest rank). See Fraunhofer
        approximately the same clearance on both sides. You   drive force.                                                       of iglidur   J  and hard-anodised                                       IPA Report No.: IG 0308-295 73
        can see the version of the fixed/floating bearing system   Failure to observe the 2:1 rule during a use of linear plain   aluminium is classified as level 1 in the
        recommended by us in the designs shown in the individual   bearings can result in uneven motion or even system           ESD compatibility according to SEMI                                     TK-01-25-02 drylin
        sections about the systems. The mounting surfaces of the   blockage. Such situations can often be remedied with          E78-0998 (highest rank).                                                linear guide system
        guides and carriages should possess a good evenness   relatively simple modifications.                                                                                                           "For the linear guide system drylin
        (e.g. machined surface) to prevent twisting in the system.   If you have any questions on design and/or assembly,        The following drylin  guides from igus  were tested: N40,   TK-01-25-02 by igus  GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations
        Smaller areas of mounting surface unevenness can be   please make use of our technical support.                          W10, T25 and T30.                                    of the likelihood of violation of threshold values of the
        compensated to a certain extent by the floating bearing.                                                                 See below for detailed results.                      detection sizes 0.2μm, 0.3μm, 0.5μm, and 5μm with motion
                                                                                                                                                                                      speed of v = 1m/s, to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms
                                                                                                                                 drylin  TK-10-30-01 linear guide system              classified as ISO Class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1."
                                                                                                                                 "For the linear guide system drylin  TK-10-30-01 by igus    The measurement results of the ESD compatibility according
                Floating    Fixed                                    Floating  Fixed bearing  2 x                                GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the likelihood of   to SEMI E78-0998 show that the linear guide system drylin
                bearing     bearing                                   bearing                                                    violation of threshold values of the detection sizes 0.2μm,   TK-01-25-02 can be classified as "level 1" (highest rank).
                                                                                                                                 0.3μm, 0.5μm, and 5μm with motion speed of v = 0.1m/s,
                                                                                                                                 to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified as ISO   WK-10-40-15-01 drylin  linear guide system
                                                                                                                                 Class 3 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1."            "For the  linear guide system drylin  WK-10-40-15-01
                                                                                                                                                                                      by igus  GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the
                                                                                                                                 NK-02-40-02 drylin  linear guide system              likelihood of violation of threshold values of the detection
                                                                                           1x                                    "For the linear guide system drylin  NK-02-40-02 by igus    sizes 0.2μm, 0.3μm, 0.5μm, and 5μm with motion speed of
                                                                                                                                 GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the likelihood of    v = 1m/s, to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified
                                                                                                                                 violation of threshold values of the detection sizes 0.2μm,   as ISO Class 6 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1."
                                                                                                                                 0.3μm, 0.5μm, and 5μm with motion speed of v =1m/s,   The measurement results of the ESD compatibility according
                                                                                                                                 to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified as   to SEMI E78-0998 show that the linear guide system drylin
                                                                                                                                 ISO Class 6 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1."        WK-10-40-15-01 can be classified as "level 1" (highest rank).
        Figure 02: Automatic compensation of parallelism      Figure 03: The 2:1 rule
        errors                                                                                                                                                                        See Fraunhofer IPA Report No.: IG 0308-295 74

        Tightening torque for drylin  metallic screws
         Metric thread (Da)                         tightening torque          Recommended tightening torque
                                                          [Nm]                               [Nm]
         M3                                              0.5 - 1.1                           0.7
         M4                                              1.0 - 2.8                           1.5
         M5                                              2.0 - 5.5                           3.0
         M6                                             4.0 - 10.0                           6.0
         M8                                             8.0 - 23.0                          15.0
         M10                                           22.0 - 46.0                          30.0

        Please be aware of the minimal screw-in depth for aluminium and zinc die-casting parts: 1.5xDa             ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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