Page 565 - IGUS Linear
P. 565

drylin                                                                                                    drylin
 SET   drylin  SET | easytube | Product range  drylin  SET | easytube | Product range                       SET
 easytube                                                                                                 easytube
 easytube  With flange
  sb   s Order key                               d2                  d2 Order key
  H   h1                                                l2
 Order example                                                  Order example
  ts   h
  E1                                                                  h
 t   E2
     E1                                            h                      l + Hub

  E2   A3  Dimension  Shaft material                           s          Dimension  Shaft material  With flange
  lt  easytube   Al   lt                                I + stroke  easytube  H

  E1   A2                                               l + Hub
  E3  l  A
  E4                                                                   ts
  sb   s
  H   h1                                           H                              E3                        E1
  d2                                                                                    E2
  ts   h
  lt  I + stroke                                                                                    A  E5
                                                   ts               lt            Al            lt          A2

 ● 	For simple adjustments   E1  ● 	 Flanged version for axial mounting  E3                               E1
 ● 	With protected lead screw   lt   Al   lt  ● 	Simple, smooth design      E2
 ● 	Corrosion-free with stainless steel lead screw  ● 	Accessories available u Page 613
 ● 	Lightweight due to aluminium and polymer                                                  A   E5
 ● 	Temperature-resistant up to +60°C
 ● 	Accessories available u Page 613
                                               lt                   Al                   lt               A2

 Technical data  Technical data
 Part No.  Max.    Aluminium shaft  Max. static load capacity  Part No.  Max.    Aluminium shaft  Max. static load capacity
  stroke length  Weight shaft end supports   additional    axial  radial   stroke length  Weight shaft end supports   additional
                                                                                           axial        radial
 and guide carriage  (per 100mm)              and guide carriage         (per 100mm)
 [mm]  [kg]  [kg]  [N]  [N]     [mm]                 [kg]                   [kg]            [N]          [N]
 SET-12-AWM  200  0.05  0.03  10  20  SET-25-AWM-F  750  0.15              0.12            150           300
 SET-25-AWM  750  0.15  0.12  150  300  SET-30-AWM-F  850  0.20            0.21            200           400
 SET-30-AWM  850  0.20  0.21  200  400

 Dimensions [mm]  Dimensions [mm]

 Part No.  A  Al  H  E1  E2  E3  E4  l  h  h1  lt  ts  Øs  sb  l2  d2 92)  Part No.  AI  A  A2  H  E1  E2  E3  E5  l  h  lt  ts  Øs  l2  d2 92)
 SET-12-AWM  30  30 23.5 20  20  20  –  60  22  –  15  3.3  4.2  –  10  M4  SET-25-AWM-F  55  60  60  49  40  40  40  40  115  39  30  5.2  5.2  27  Tr10x2
 SET-25-AWM  60  55  44  40  40  40  20  115  39  45  30  5.2  5.2  M4  17  Tr10x2  SET-30-AWM-F  55  60  80  59  60  40  40  40  125  39  35  6.5  5.2  30  Tr12x3
 SET-30-AWM  80  55  49  60  40  40  20  125  39  50  35  6.5  5.2  M4  20  Tr12x3  92)  Lead screw end unmachined
 92)  Lead screw end unmachined
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

 562 Online tools and more information u     3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u  563
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