Page 76 - IGUS Linear
P. 76

drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
        profile      drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                                    drylin  W profile guides | Product range New                                                     profile
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Pillow blocks, round; change the liner                                                                      Stainless steel pillow blocks, round; change the liner
                     without disassembly                                                                                         without disassembly
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Type                      Size                                                                                          Type                  Size

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       iglidur  material
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       X:      iglidur  X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A180:  iglidur  A180
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A160: iglidur  A160
                                                                drylin ®  W  Liner material   iglidur ®  J200  Pillow block, round  Replaceable  C3 Standard  Size  Aluminium  A3        drylin ®  W  iglidur ®  material  Pillow block, round  Replaceable  Standard  Size  Stainless steel  E7:    iglidur  E7

                                    C1                                                                                                   B                                  C3
                                    C3                     A3                                                                                                                                     A3
                                                                          A-A                   B                                        K2     !  Coz-
                                                                           K2                     A
                                                                                                          H                                        H
                                                                         K3                       A                              K3

        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                                                                                       Technical data and dimensions [mm]
         Part No.                    Weight    B  B  C1   C3     A3    K2   K3 150)  H    Static load capacity                   Part No.                 Weight    B    C1   C3    A3    K2    H        K3        Static load capacity
                            K2                    A
                                                                                          Coy    Coz+    Coz–                                                                                       for countersunk   Coy  Coz+  Coz–
                                       [g]                                         ±0.25   [N]     [N]     [N]                                              [g]                                ±0.25  head screw   [N]     [N]     [N]
         WJ200UMA-01-10-AL             18    26.0  A  29   16    6.5   M6    M5     18   1,000   1,000    200                    W UMA-01-10-ES New         57    26.0   29    16   6.5   M6    18       M5      1,200   1,200    250
         WJ200UMA-01-16-AL             44    34.5   36     18    9.0   M8    M6     27   1,250   1,250    275                    W UMA-01-16-ES New         138   34.5   36    18   9.0   M8    27       M6      2,100   2,100    400
         WJ200UMA-01-20-AL             91    42.5   45     27    9.0   M8    M6     36   1,500   1,500    350                    W UMA-01-20-ES New         283   42.5   45    27   9.0   M8    36       M6      3,200   3,200    500
        150)  Counterbore for socket cap bolt                                                                                    W UMA-01-25-ES New         575   52.5   58    36  11.0 M10     45       M8      4,800   4,800    950

                                                                                                                                       Installation guide online
        Simple bearing liner replacement.

               Suitable mounting plate
               u Page 130

               More installation can be found online

        Can be combined with:                                 Suitable liner material/accessories
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        WS-...   WS-..-ES-FG-... WS-...  WS-...-ES-FG  WSX-...  iglidur  J200  Assembling aid Replacement liners
        74     Online tools and more information u                                                              3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u                75
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