Page 81 - IGUS Linear
P. 81

drylin  W                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  W
        profile      drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                                    drylin  W profile guides | Product range                                                         profile
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Double rails, square, hard-anodised aluminium                                                               High profile rails, square, hard-anodised aluminium
                                                                                            C4                                                                                                                                            b
                                                               C6    K1                      C1  A3    C5
                                                                                             C3        C5
                                                               C6     K1                         A3
                                                         da                                                   G1
                                                                                                            G2                                                                                                              da
                                                          b                                                    G1
                                                          b                                                                                                                                                                                 Y            h  h1
                                                         dr                                                                                                                                                                              X
                                                         dr                        L
                                                         WJ200QM-01-06  B
                                                                    K2  h2    da                                                                                                                       L
                                                         WJ200QM-01-06         H           h      Q2
                                                                        h2                       h1         y                                                                                         b
                                                           WSQ-06-30 K3  A1  a  da  H     Q1  h  C4  Q2       x  z
                                                                                                C1 h1
                                                           WSQ-06-30  K1 A1  a            Q1    C3        C5   A3
                                                              C6  K1                            C3        C5   A3
                                                                                                               G1                                                                       da
                                                                                                             G2  G1
                                                            b                                                                                                                                           Y            h  h1
                                                                                                             G2                                                                                      X
               Hard-anodised surfaces                       b                                                                          Suitable end caps                                                         nh
               u Page 43                                   dr                                                                          u Page 129                                                     a
                                                           dr                                                                                                                                         b
               Curved rail profiles                                                 L                                                  Order example:
               u Page 48                                          B K2                                                                 WSX-06-30/06-60: High profile rail, square      da
                                                         WJ200QM-...  B
                                                                   K2  h2  h   da  H      Q2                                           WSQ-06-30: Standard double rail, square                                        h  h1
                                                              K3                                                                                                                                     X  Y
                                                         WJ200QM-...                         Q1                                                                                                                      nh
                                                           WSQ-...    h2  a1  h  da  H    Q2
                                                              K3  A1    a                    Q1                                                                                                   n   na       nb
        Technical data and dimensions [mm]                 WSQ-...  A1  a1 a                                                                                                                          a
         Part No.     Weight   H 57)  da  dr    L     a     A1    b    h    h1   h2    G1   G2   a1 61)  Q1  Q2                  Technical data and dimensions [mm]
                       [kg/m]  ±0.25  -0.1    max.                                                                               Part No.    Weight da    L    a    b   h   h1  nh   n   nb   na   X   Y     Geometrical    Moment of
         WSQ-06-30     0.45    14    5    5   3,000 27-0.4 13.5  30    4    4 58)  7.5  22.5  15  –   21.5  15                                                                                            moment of inertia  resistance
         WSQ-06-60     0.70    14    5    5   3,000 58-0.4 13.5  61    4    4 58)  7.0  42.5 30.5  40  17   15                                                                                               ly      lz    Wby    Wbz
         WSQ-10-40     0.92    20   7.5  6.7 4,000 36-0.5 18.5   40   5.5 5.5 58)  11  30   20    –    29   21                                [kg/m]  -0.1  max.                                            [mm ]   [mm ] 4  [mm ]  [mm ]
         WSQ-10-80     1.41    20   7.5  6.7 4,000 70-0.7 18.5   74   5.5 5.5 58)  11  27   17    40   26   21                   WSX-06-30    0.76   5 4,000 29.7 30 16 19.5     7   –    –   –   12   10  30,391 11,674 1,736     845
         WSQ-10-120    2.02    20   7.5  6.7 4,000 116-0.7 18.5 120   5.5 5.5 58)  11  30   20    80   29   21                   WSX-06-60    1.39   5 4,000 61    61 16 19.5 6.9 5.2 9.5     30 17.5 7.5 212,826 17,018 6,448 1,398
         WSQ-16-60     1.84    27  11.5 10.7 4,000 54-0.5 25.0   58   7.5   3.5  14    43   29    –    42   28
         WSQ-20-80     3.30    36   15   14.1 4,000 74-0.7 30.0  82   9.5   4.5  20    38   21    40   37   37
         Part No.       C4           C5               C6         K1 for      Geometrical         Moment of                             Order key                                             Order key
                                                                 screw     moment of inertia     resistance
                                min.    max.     min.    max.                ly        lz      Wby       Wbz                     Type                 Length                           Type                 Length
                                                                 DIN 912    [mm ]    [mm ]     [mm ]     [mm ]
         WSQ-06-30      60      20      49.5     20      49.5     M5 58)   19,000    1,250     1,100     200
         WSQ-06-60      60      20      49.5     20      49.5     M4 58)  117,900    1,600     3,500     290
         WSQ-10-40     120      20      79.5     20      79.5     M6 58)   71,600    5,580     3,000     610
         WSQ-10-80     120      20      79.5     20      79.5     M6 58)  335,000    7,070     8,300     700
         WSQ-10-120    120      20      79.5     20      79.5     M6 58)  1,175,000  8,000    18,400     760
         WSQ-16-60     120      20      79.5     20      79.5      M8     324,700   20,500     9,400    1,700                                      Rail width [mm]  Rail length [mm]          High profile rail  Rail width [mm]  Rail length [mm]
         WSQ-20-80     120      20      79.5     20      79.5      M8    1,145,000  75,300    23,600    4,500                       Profile rail  Square  Shaft Ø                        Profile rail  Shaft Ø
        57)  Height dimension minus the bearing clearance tolerance   With plain holes   WSQ-06-30/-10-40/-16-60 a single
        row of mounting holes down the centreline; WSQ-06-60/10-80/-10-120/-20-80 two parallel rows of mounting holes
        Can be combined with:                                                                                                    Can be combined with:
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        WJQM-…       WW-…         WWC-…                                                                                          WJQM-…       WW-…         WWC-…
        78     Online tools and more information u                                                              3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u                79
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