Page 829 - IGUS Bearing
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iglidur                                                                                                   iglidur
 tribo   iglidur  tribo 3D printing | 3D printing service  iglidur  tribo 3D printing | 3D printing service  tribo
 3D printing                                                                                             3D printing
 Individual wear-resistant parts in 3 days - order online
 Wear-resistant parts from the 3D printing   SLS can also be used to make wear-  Dimensional stability and size of installation
 service: online and extremely fast  resistant parts           space
 Printed parts extremely wear-resistant- as prototype or in   The 3D printing service is also available with all of our SLS   The precision of the printed parts in the case of the iglidur
 small series. Simply upload your required part, determine   powders. Laser sintering (SLS) is used to make parts of   tribofilaments  is ±0.2mm (up to an edge length of 50mm,
 the price and order online (or ask for a quotation). Thanks   these materials. With this method even more plain bearing   above this ±0.4%). In the case of parts made using the
 to the iglidur  3D printing service, from now on 2 quick and   applications are therefore possible with 3D-printed parts,   laser sintering process the precision is ±0.1mm (up to an
 easy steps will complete your customised component made   strength and precision are considerably greater and the   edge length of 50mm, above this ±0.2 %).
 of lubrication-free and abrasion-resistant iglidur  plastics.   price per component is lower.  The space used for processing the iglidur  tribofilaments
 The service life of the 3D printed components is comparable   measures 135x145x200mm. In the case of laser sintering
 to igus  injection moulded parts. In the online 3D printing   Additional laser sintering services  the space used measures 170x220x300mm. The following
 calculation, you can not only receive 3D printing, but also   In the 3D printing service, more services for laser sintering   applies to both processes: larger parts may have to be
 analyse feasibility and prices of injection-moulded parts   materials can now be selected and their prices easily   made of several pieces.
 made with 3D-printed moulds (print2mold).  Material selection  defined.
          ●  Black colouring for visible parts                 Large-format 3D printing
   Go to and upload the   ●  Polish surfaces using vibratory finishing or chemical   Up to 3 metres-large components made of iglidur  i150
 3D model in the STEP format. The manufacturability   polishing  and iglidur  i151 in a 3D printing process. The space of the
 (wall thickness and component size) is analysed               large-format printer measures 1,000x500x500mm. Larger
 automatically  New: Multi-material print (FDM/FFF)            parts may have to be made of several pieces
   Select material and quantity and order the component   Workpieces with up to four components made from proven
 or ask for a quotation.  tribofilaments  and other plastics.  In order to ensure that the 3D-printed components function
 u  Your individual wear-resistant part will be shipped   One possible combination would be intelligent bearings for   correctly, the following should be included in the 3D model:
 in 72 hours  predictive maintenance: with a fibre-reinforced housing,   ●  The 3D model should be at the centre of tolerance;
          tribofilament  and integrated conductor tracks to warn of   e.g. for a tolerance of 16mm to 0.2mm, the 3D model
 Delivery time
 72hrs    bearing wear.                                           should correspond to 15.9mm to
                                                               ●  In the case of clearance fits, a play of approx. 0.1mm
                                                                  should be planned
                                                               ●  Minimum wall thickness: SLS 0.7mm, FDM/FFF 1mm
 New: Calculate the service life of sliding
 surfaces  Wall thickness analyses
 With the new service life calculator, you can determine the        900
 service life of individual components. Simply click on sliding     800
 surface and enter the parameters.                                  700
 Try it out now:    New: Digital Light Processing (DLP)             400
          In the DLP 3D printing service, igus  processes its own   300
          iglidur  i3000 resin in the classic DLP process with a   Wear rate [µm/km]  200
          high resolution that allows precision components to be    100
          manufactured. In addition, the UV wavelength of 385nm can   0    ABS   PA12  iglidur    iglidur    iglidur    iglidur
          reduce excessive curing and ensure a more precise shape.        (FDM)  (SLS)  i180   J260   i3   W300
                                                                                       (FDM)  (FDM)  (SLS)  moulded
                                                               Wear, rotating p =20MPa; v = 0.01m/s, 304 stainless
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 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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