Page 213 - IGUS Linear
P. 213

drylin  R                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  R
         shaft       drylin  R solid plastic bearings | Product range                                                            drylin  R solid plastic bearings | Product range                                                  shaft
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Standard design made from iglidur  J (the all-rounder)                                                      Standard design, precise, made from iglidur  J (the all-rounder)
                                                                                   Order key                                                                                                               Order key
                                          dn                                                                                                                      dn
                                                           d2                                                                                                                       d2
                                  1,5 x 30°                                  Type            Size                                                          1,5 x 30°                                 Type                Size
                                                  B1  B                                                                                                                   B1  B

                                  s                                                                                                                        s

                                                                               Closed  iglidur ®  J  Metric  Standard  Inner Ø d1                                                                      Closed  iglidur ®  J  Metric  Precision  Standard  Inner Ø d1

        ● 	Assembly by press-fitting                                78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260            ● 	Easy assembly by soft press-fit                         78)  According to igus  testing method u Page 260
        ● 	Secured by circlips                                      82)  Design tips u Page 186                                  ● 	Reduced bearing clearance                               82)  Design tips u Page 186
                                                                    83)  Applies by room temperature: press-fit decrease         ● 	Secured by circlips                                     Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187
               Min. -20°C                                           with time depending on the temperature                                                                                  Min. -20°C
               Max. +60°C                                           Please note: Installation instructions u Page 187                                                                       Max. +60°C
                                                                    Imperial dimensions                                                                                                     Imperial dimensions
                                                                    u Page 747                                                                                                              u Page 747
        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Dimensions [mm]

         d1                d2           B           B1           Øs           dn       Part No.                                  d1                d2           B            B1           Øs           dn      Part No.

         8                 16           25          16.2         1.10         15.2     RJM-01-08                                 6                 12           19          13.5         1.10         11.5     RJMP-01-06
         10                19           29          21.6         1.30         17.5     RJM-01-10                                 8                 16           25          16.2         1.10         15.2     RJMP-01-08
         12                22           32          22.6         1.30         20.5     RJM-01-12                                 10                19           29          21.6         1.30         17.5     RJMP-01-10
         16                26           36          24.6         1.30         24.2     RJM-01-16                                 12                22           32          22.6         1.30         20.5     RJMP-01-12
         20                32           45          31.2         1.60         29.6     RJM-01-20                                 16                26           36          24.6         1.30         24.2     RJMP-01-16
         25                40           58          43.7         1.85         36.5     RJM-01-25                                 20                32           45          31.2         1.60         29.6     RJMP-01-20
         30                47           68          51.7         1.85         43.5     RJM-01-30                                 25                40           58          43.7         1.85         36.5     RJMP-01-25
         40                62           80          60.3         2.15         57.8     RJM-01-40                                 30                47           68          51.7         1.85         43.5     RJMP-01-30

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data
         Part No.                   d1 tolerance 78)  Fmax. dynamic 82)  Fmax. static 82)  Weight    Press-fit                   Part No.                    d1 tolerance 78)  Fmax. dynamic 82)    Fmax. static 82)       Weight
                                                        p = 2.5MPa         p = 17.5MPa                force 83)                                                                    p = 2.5MPa         p = 17.5MPa
                                        [mm]               [N]                [N]            [g]        [N]                                                       [mm]                [N]                 [N]                [g]
         RJM-01-08                  +0.025 +0.061         250                1,750           4          400                      RJMP-01-06                  +0.000 +0.030            200               1,400                2
         RJM-01-10                  +0.025 +0.061         363                2,538           7          700                      RJMP-01-08                  +0.000 +0.040            250               1,750                4
         RJM-01-12                  +0.032 +0.075         480                3,360           9         1,300                     RJMP-01-10                  +0.000 +0.040            363               2,538                7
         RJM-01-16                  +0.032 +0.075         720                5,040           13        1,100                     RJMP-01-12                  +0.000 +0.040            480               3,360                9
         RJM-01-20                  +0.040 +0.092         1,125              7,875           24        1,500                     RJMP-01-16                  +0.000 +0.040            720               5,040                13
         RJM-01-25                  +0.040 +0.092         1.813             12,688           47        3,500                     RJMP-01-20                  +0.000 +0.040           1,125              7,875                24
         RJM-01-30                  +0.040 +0.092         2,550             17,850           72        4,500                     RJMP-01-25                  +0.000 +0.050           1.813              12,688               47
         RJM-01-40                  +0.050 +0.112         4,000             28,000          127        4,200                     RJMP-01-30                  +0.000 +0.050           2,550              17,850               72

        Can be combined with:                                                                                                    Can be combined with:

                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        RQA-04         RTA-04        RGA-04        RGAS-04                                                                       RQA-04        RTA-04        RGA-04        RGAS-04

        210 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              211
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