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dryspin                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dryspin
      trapezoidal    dryspin  TR | Lead screws | Product range                                                                                                                                                                  trapezoidal
        thread                                                                                                                                                                                                                    thread
                     Multi start trapezoidal lead screw
                                                                    Technical data                                                     Order key

                                                                                                                                 Part number  Threads            Options
        CF15, rolled, AISI 1015                                Pitch variation                 0.1mm / 300mm

                                                               Straightness (standard)         0.3mm / 300mm
                                                               Aligned (optional)              <0.1mm / 300mm                                                                         Options:
                                                               Tolerance (according to DIN 103)  7e                                                                                   Direction of rotation
                                                                                                                                                                                      R: Right-hand thread
        Stainless steel, rolled, AISI 304                                                                                                                                             L: Left-hand thread

                   P                                                                                                                                          Number of thread pitches  Direction of rotation  Lead screw material  Length in mm: Freely selectable (see table)
                                                                                                                                                                                      Lead screw material

                                                                                                                                                                                      ES: Stainless steel, rolled, AISI 304
                                                              P = Pitch                                                                Lead screw  Diameter  Pitch  Pitch  Length [mm]  Blank: C15, rolled, AISI 1015
          d1  d3                                              Le = Lead/pitch                                                                                                         AL: Aluminium, rolled

                                                                                                                                       Please contact us!
                        Le                                                                                                             Do you need an individual configuration and/or machined end for your lead screw? This is not a problem with the
                                                                                                                                       help of the dryspin  lead screw configurator: configure lead screw at

        Technical data                                                                                                           Dimensions [mm]

         Thread     Direction of rotation    Material       Total pitch    Pitch    Pitch         Weight                                   Outer Ø                      Core Ø                 Max.        Part No.
                      Right     Left      C15    Stainless     Le          P       angle α    C15     Stainless                               d1                          d3                Total length
                                                   steel                                                steel
                                                  AISI 304     [mm]       [mm]       [°]      [kg/m]    [kg/m]                        min.          max.          min.          max.             L
         Tr06x2P1                 –         –                   2          1        6,06      0.22       0.22                         5.9            6             3.4           3.5           1,000       PTGSG-06X2P1-02- -       -
         Tr10x4P2                 –         –                   4          2        7.26      0.62       0.62                         9.8            10            7.2           7.5           3,000       PTGSG-10X4P2-02- -       -
         Tr12x6P3                                               6          3        9.04      0.89       0.89                         11.8           12            7.7           8.5           3,000       PTGSG-12X6P3-02- -       -
         Tr16x8P4                                               8          4        9.04      1.58       1.59                         15.7           16           10.5          11.5           3,000       PTGSG-16X8P4-02- -       -
         Tr18x8P4                                               8          4        8.05      2.00       2.01                         17.7           18           12.5          13.5           3,000       PTGSG-18X8P4-02- -       -
         Tr20x8P4                                               8          4        7.26      2.47       2.48                         19.7           20           14.5          15.5           3,000       PTGSG-20X8P4-02- -       -

               Definition: Multi start trapezoidal lead screw
               Example 8P4 pitch

                       Pitch [P] = Pitch: distance to the next thread pitch, e.g. P4 = 4mm
                       Lead [Le] = Pitch: distance between threads flanks per thread pitch,
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
                       e.g. Pitch 8 = Distance of 8mm

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