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       dryspin       dryspin  technology | Lead screws | Product range                                                           dryspin  technology | Lead screws | Product range New                                           dryspin
      technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                technology
                     Lead screws - "ACME" USA standard                                                                           dryspin  lead screws with precision machining
                                                                    Technical data                                                                                                           Order key

                                                                                                                                                                                       Order example
        Stainless steel, rolled, AISI 304                     Pitch variation                 0.25mm / 300mm
                                                              Straightness (standard)         0.625mm / 300mm
                                                              Aligned                         <0.1mm / 300mm                                                         d2
                                                              Tolerance (ANSI/ASME B1.5)      Class 2C
                                                                                                                                  d1                                             d3

                                                                                                                                                                    L2    L1                           Lead screws with   precision machining  Direction of rotation
                                                                                                                                                                                            dryspin ®     technology  Diameter  Pitch
                                                                                                                                                         L                                                                  Total length  Stainless steel

                                                                                                                                 Suitable motor size                                  ES: Stainless steel, rolled, AISI 304
                                                                                                                                 Male thread     Motor size     Distance over hubs           Lead screw motor expert:
                                                                                                                                 M3          NEMA11/NEMA17S           28/42                  Assemble a complete system.
                                                                                                                                 M6          NEMA17M/NEMA23           42/56                  u

        Technical data                                                                                                           Technical data and dimensions [mm]

         Thread      Hand of rotation    Pitch    Number of thread     Pitch      Weight   Part No.                              Thread         d1     d2    d3     Pitch   Number of    Pitch    Part No.
                          right         P [mm]     pitches per inch    angle        [lb]                                                               g7             P       gears      angle
         1/4-16            ●             1,59            16            4,56°       0.25    ACME-1/4-16-R-ES                                    [mm]   [mm]           [mm]                  [°]
         3/8-20            ●             1,27            20            2,43°       0.56    ACME-3/8-20-R-ES                      DS5x5          5.0    4     M3      5.0        2        17.66    DST-LS-MOT-5X5-R-   -ES         New
         3/8-12            ●             2,12            12            4,03°       0.56    ACME-3/8-12-R-ES                      DS5x10         5.0    4     M3      10.0       4        32.48    DST-LS-MOT-5X10-R-   -ES        New
         3/8-10            ●             2,54            10            4,85°       0.56    ACME-3/8-10-R-ES                      TR06x2P1       6.0    4     M3      2.0        1         6,06    PTGSG-MOT-06X2P1-R-01-   -ES New
         1/2-10            ●             2,54            10            3,64°       1.00    ACME-1/2-10-R-ES                      DS6.35x1      6.35    4     M3      1.0        1         2.87    DST-LS-MOT-6.35X1-R-   -ES      New
         5/8-8             ●             3,18             8            3,65°       1.60    ACME-5/8-8-R-ES                       DS6.35x2.54   6.35    4     M3      2.54       2         7.26    DST-LS-MOT-6.35X2.54-R-   -ES New
         3/4-10            ●             2,54            10            4,04°       2.25    ACME-3/4-10-R-ES                      DS6.35x5.08   6.35    4     M3      5.08       4        14.29    DST-LS-MOT-6.35X5.08-R-   -ES New
         3/4-6             ●             4,23             6            2,43°       2.25    ACME-3/4-6-R-ES                       DS6.35x6.35   6.35    4     M3      6.35       3        17.66    DST-LS-MOT-6.35X6.35-R-   -ES New
         1-10              ●             2,54            10            3,64°       4.00    ACME-1-10-R-ES                        DS6.35x12.7   6.35    4     M3      12.7       4        32.48    DST-LS-MOT-6.35X12.7-R-   -ES New
         1-5               ●             3,08             5            1,82°       4.00    ACME-1-5-R-ES                         DS6.35x25.4   6.35    4     M3      25.4       8        51.85    DST-LS-MOT-6.35X25.4-R-   -ES New
                                                                                                                                 TR08x1.5       8.0    7     M6      1.5        1         3.42    PTGSG-MOT-08X1.5-R-01-   -ES New
                                                                                                                                 DS8x10         8.0    7     M6      10.0       4        21.70    DST-LS-MOT-8X10-R-   -ES        New
        Dimensions                                                                                                               DS8x15         8.0    7     M6      15.0       6        30.83    DST-LS-MOT-8X15-R-   -ES        New

                     Outer Ø                          Core Ø                 Max. length   Part No.                              DS8x24         8.0    7     M6      24.0       8        43.70    DST-LS-MOT-8X24-R-   -ES        New
              d1 [mm]         d1 [inch]       d3 [mm]         d3 [inch]         [mm]                                             DS8x40         8.0    7     M6      40.0       8        57.86    DST-LS-MOT-8X40-R-   -ES        New
               6.35            0.250            4,76           0.187            1,829      ACME-1/4-16-R-ES                      DS10x2        10.0    4     M3      2.0        1         3.64    DST-LS-MOT4-10X2-R-   -ES       New
               9.52            0.375            8.26           0.325            1,829      ACME-3/8-20-R-ES                      DS10x2        10.0    7     M6      2.0        1         3.64    DST-LS-MOT-10X2-R-   -ES        New
               9.52            0.375            7.40           0.292            1,829      ACME-3/8-12-R-ES                      DS10x3        10.0    4     M3      3.0        2         5.45    DST-LS-MOT4-10X3-R-   -ES       New
               9.52            0.375            7.00           0.275            1,829      ACME-3/8-10-R-ES                      DS10x3        10.0    7     M6      3.0        2         5.45    DST-LS-MOT-10X3-R-   -ES        New
              12,70            0.500           10,16           0.400            1,829      ACME-1/2-10-R-ES                      DS10x12       10.0    4     M3      12.0       4        21.54    DST-LS-MOT4-10X12-R-   -ES      New
              15,88            0.625           12,70           0.500            1,829      ACME-5/8-8-R-ES                       DS10x12       10.0    7     M6      12.0       4        21.54    DST-LS-MOT-10X12-R-   -ES       New
              19,05            0.750           14,87           0.585            1,829      ACME-3/4-10-R-ES                      DS10x25       10.0    7     M6      25.0       8        38.51    DST-LS-MOT-10X25-R-   -ES       New
              19,05            0.750           16,50           0.650            1,829      ACME-3/4-6-R-ES                       DS10x50       10.0    7     M6      50.0      10        57.86    DST-LS-MOT-10X50-R-   -ES       New
              25,40            1,000           20,30           0.800            1,829      ACME-1-10-R-ES                        DS12x5        12.0    7     M6      5.0        2        21.69    DST-LS-MOT-12X5-R-   -ES        New
              25,40            1,000           22,86           0.900            1,829      ACME-1-5-R-ES                         DS12x15       12.0    7     M6      15.0       8        33.55    DST-LS-MOT-12X15-R-   -ES       New
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  310mm fixed length and 490mm total length incl. machined end length - available from stock for individual

                                                                                                                                       further processing or assembly. A suitable force-diverting lead screw support must be ensured.
        390 Online tools and more information u                                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               391
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