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       dryspin       dryspin  technology | Lead screw nuts | Product range                                                       dryspin  technology | Lead screw nuts | Product range                                           dryspin
      technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                technology
                     Lead screw nuts - "ACME" USA standard, iglidur  J                                                           High efficiency at all speeds

        Technical data and dimensions - cylindrical lead screw nuts                                                              Technical data - with flange
         Thread        Hand of rotation right      Effective          Max. static, axial F  Part No.                             Thread      Hand of rotation right       Effective           Max. static, axial F  Part No.
                                               support surface                [N]                                                                                     support surface                 [N]
                                                    [mm²]              J/W300/J350/A180/R                                                                                  [mm²]               J/A180/R/J350/W300
         1/4-16                 ●                    111                     200            JSRI-01-1/4-16                       1/4-16               ●                     111                      111            JFRI-01-1/4-16
         3/8-20                 ●                    256                    1,024           JSRI-01-3/8-20                       3/8-20               ●                     341                     1,364           JFRI-01-3/8-20
         3/8-12                 ●                    254                    1,018           JSRI-01-3/8-12                       3/8-12               ●                     327                     1,320           JFRI-01-3/8-12
         3/8-10                 ●                    245                     980            JSRI-01-3/8-10                       3/8-10               ●                     326                     1,304           JFRI-01-3/8-10
         1/2-10                 ●                    449                    1,796           JSRI-01-1/2-10                       1/2-10               ●                     618                     2,472           JFRI-01-1/2-10
         5/8-8                  ●                    568                    2,272           JSRI-01-5/8-8                        5/8-8                ●                     781                     3,124           JFRI-01-5/8-8
         3/4-10                 ●                    913                    3,652           JSRI-01-3/4-10                       3/4-10               ●                     913                     3,652           JFRI-01-3/4-10
         3/4-6                  ●                    978                    3,912           JSRI-01-3/4-6                        3/4-6                ●                     978                     3,912           JFRI-01-3/4-6
         1-10                   ●                   1,830                   7,320           JSRI-01-1-10                         1-10                 ●                    1,601                    6.404           JFRI-01-1-10
         1-5                    ●                   1,896                   7,584           JSRI-01-1-5                          1-5                  ●                    1,659                    6.636           JFRI-01-1-5

        Dimensions - cylindrical lead screw nuts                                                                                 Dimensions - with flange
         d1                    d2                    b1                    Weight           Part No.                             d1          d2       d3        d4        d5       b1        b2         Weight      Part No.
         [inch]               [inch]                 [inch]                   [lb]                                               [inch]     [inch]   [inch]    [inch]    [inch]   [inch]    [inch]        [lb]
                                                                       J/A180/R/J350/W300                                                                                                           J/A180/R/J350/W300
         0.250                0.625                 0.500                0.006 - 0.007      JSRI-01-1/4-16                       0.250     0.500     1,000     0.750    0.130     0.500     0.200     0.008 - 0010   JFRI-01-1/4-16
         0.380                0.875                 0.750                0.016 - 0.020      JSRI-01-3/8-20                       0.380     1,000     1.630     1.310    1,200     1,000     0.380     0.052 - 0.062   JFRI-01-3/8-20
         0.380                0.875                 0.750                0.016 - 0.020      JSRI-01-3/8-12                       0.380     1,000     1.630     1.310    0.200     1,000     0.380     0.052 - 0.062   JFRI-01-3/8-12
         0.380                0.875                 0.750                0.016 - 0.020      JSRI-01-3/8-10                       0.380     1,000     1.630     1.310    0.200     1,000     0.380     0.052 - 0.062   JFRI-01-3/8-10
         0.500                1,000                 1,000                0.026 - 0.032      JSRI-01-1/2-10                       0.500     1,125     1.880     1,000    0.240     1.380     0.500     0.080 - 0.097   JFRI-01-1/2-10
         0.630                1.375                 1,000                0.053 - 0.063      JSRI-01-5/8-8                        0.630     1,125     1.880     1,000    0.240     1.380     0.500     0.082 - 0.098   JFRI-01-5/8-8
         0.750                1,500                 1.375                0.080 - 0.096      JSRI-01-3/4-10                       0.750     1,125     1.880     1,500    0.240     1.380     0.500     0.072 - 0.087   JFRI-01-3/4-10
         0.750                1,500                 1.375                0.080 - 0.096      JSRI-01-3/4-6                        0.750     1,125     1.880     1,500    0.240     1.380     0.500     0.072 - 0.087   JFRI-01-3/4-6
         1,000                2,000                 2,000                0.212 - 0.255      JSRI-01-1-10                         1,000     1,500     2,500     2,000    0.280     1,750     0.590     0.160 - 0.192   JFRI-01-1-10
         1,000                2,000                 2,000                0.212 - 0.255      JSRI-01-1-5                          1,000     1,500     2,500     2,000    0.280     1,750     0.590     0.160 - 0.192  JFRI-01-1-5

               Full product range online
               Split lead screw nuts made from
               5 iglidur  materials
               u                                                                    ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        452 Online tools and more information u                                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               453
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