Page 999 - MiSUMi FA Mechanical Components Economy Series
P. 999

Q Specifi cation Selection for Operation under Normal Conditions  8. Chain Length and Distance between Shaft Centers
             1.Operating Conditions                          Once the chain, the number of teeth on both
                                                             sprockets, and the inter-shaft distance are available,
               When selecting roller chains, the following 7   determine the number of chain links as follows.
               parameters should be taken into account.              Lp(No. of links)  Lp: Chain Length Expressed in Number
               1. Machine to be used  5. Diameter and Rotary Speed of High-Speed Shaft  of Links
               2. Impact Type   6. Diameter and Rotary Speed of Low-Speed Shaft  N1 : Number of Large Sprocket Teeth
               3. Prime Motor Type   7. Inter-Shaft Distance  N 1    N2       N2 : Number of Small Sprocket Teeth
               4. Power Transmission(kW)                                      Cp:  Distance between Shaft Centers
                                                                                Expressed in Number of Links
             2. Application Coeffi  cient                         Cp(No.of links)  π :  ≈3.14
               Select the application coeffi  cient from the application table(Table 1) that
               is appropriate for the machine to be driven and the prime motor type.  (1)  Calculating the chain length (when the number of sprocket teeth N1
                                                               and N2 and the distance between shaft centers Cp are available)
             3. Corrected Power Transmission(kW)
               Correct the power transmission(kW)using the application           N1N2  2
                                                                                   2 Q
               coeffi  cient.                                          N1N2       (         )
               • Single Chain…Corrected Power Transmission(kW)=Power   Lp    2  2Cp  Cp
                Transmission(kW)×Application Coeffi  cient
               • Multiple Chains…Select the appropriate coeffi  cient from the   *Round up decimals of Lp to the next whole number.
                table multiple-chain power transmission coeffi  cients(Table 2).  Generally, when the chain length number of chain links obtained is an odd number,
                              Power Transmission(kW)×Application Coefficient
               Corrected Power Transmission(kW)=                                               this should be raised to the next even number. When the inter-shaft distance
                                 Multiple Row Coefficient
                                                         demands the chain length to be an odd number, an off set link needs to be used.
             4. Chain and Number of Sprocket Teeth       However, it should be avoided and an even number should be used as much as
               Using the selection guide table(Table 3)or the power transmission   possible by adjusting the number of sprocket teeth or the inter-shaft distance.
               effi  ciency tables, select the chain and the number of small sprocket teeth   (2) Calculating the distance between shaft centers (when the number
               that satisfy the rotary speed of the high-speed shaft and the corrected        of sprocket teeth N1,and N2 as the chain length Lp are available)
               power transmission(kW). The chain pitch should be as small as possible,
               as long as the required power transmission efficiency is achieved.   Cp 8    2  Q 2 (N1N2) 2
                                                               2LpN1N2   (2LpN1N2) 
               This should minimize noise and ensure smooth transmission of power.
               (If a single chain does not provide the required power transmission
               effi  ciency, use multiple chains instead. If the installation space requires   The pitch number obtained by the chain length formula is, in most cases, only approximate
               that the inter-shaft distance as well as the outer diameter of sprocket be   and not in exact agreement with a given inter-shaft distance. Therefore, it will be necessary to
               minimized, use small-pitch multiple chains.)There should be a minimum   calculate the exact distance between the shaft centers based on the required overall length.
               wrap angle of 120˚ between the small sprocket and the chain.
                                                         Q Example of Selection for Operation under Normal Conditions
             5. Number of Large Sprocket Teeth               The following is an example of selection when a 3.7 kW
               Number of Large Sprocket Teeth = Number of Small Sprocket   1,000r/min electric (motor) is used to drive a compressor.
               Teeth × Speed Ratio Once the number of small sprocket teeth is   [1] Operating Conditions
               determined, multiplying this by the speed ratio provides the number   1) Machine to be used ········ Compressor,10 hours operation
               of large sprocket teeth. Generally, the appropriate number of small   2) Impact Type ··········· Smooth Transmission
               sprocket teeth is 17 or greater, or 21 or greater for high-speed   3) Prime Motor Type ···· Electric Motor
               operation, or 12 or greater for low speed operation. The number of   4) Power Transmission  3.7kW
               large sprocket teeth should be 120 or less.Select the sprocket with   5) Rotary Speed ········· 1,000r/min
               as great a number of teeth as possible for a speed ratio of 1:1 or 2:1.   [2] Application Coeffi  cient
               The speed ratio should normally be 1:7 or less, and ideally 1:5.
                                                              From Table 1, an application coeffi  cient of 1.2 is selected.
             6. Shaft Diameter                               [3] Corrected Power Transmission(kW)
               Ensure that the small sprocket selected as above is compatible with the diameter   Corrected Power Transmission(kW)Power Transmission(kW)×Application Coeffi  cien
               of the existing shaft on which it is to be installed. Refer to the specifi cation table      3.7kW–1.24.44kW
               on this page. When the shaft diameter is too large for the bore in the sprocket,   [4] Chain and Number of Sprocket Teeth
               select another sprocket with a greater number of teeth or a larger chain.  Searching the selection guide table(Table 3) for a
             7. Inter-shaft Distance between Sprockets        combination of 1,000r/min and 4.44kW provides a
               The distance between the shafts can be reduced as   C-CHE40 chain and 17T sprocket.
               long as the sprockets do not interfere with each other   On the power transmission effi  ciency table for the
               and the wrap angle between the small sprocket and   C-CHE40 chain, a combination of 13T and
               the chain is 120˚ or more.                     1,000r/min provides a power transmission effi  ciency
               Generally, the inter-shaft distance should preferably   of 4.09 kW, which does not meet the required 4.44
               be 30~50 times the pitch of the chain used. Under   kW. Therefore, 19T, which achieves 4.6 kW, should
               pulsating load conditions, decrease the distance to 20   be selected to meet the requirement.
               times the chain pitch or less.                 Results:The C-CHE40 chain should be selected.
                                                                     Number of Small Sprocket Teeth=19T

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